My name is Emily, I am currently studying Graphic Design at Deakin University in Melbourne. This page features my research, sketches and other images/artwork of inspiration.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Taken from

'One of the most effective ways to cut down the ecological footprint of buildings is to follow the lead of nature through biomimicry. Habitat 2020 is a future forward example of biomimetic architecture that fuses high-tech ideas with basic cellular functions to create ‘living’ structures that operate like natural organisms. This nature-inspired approach to city living looks at the urban landscape as a dynamic and ever-evolving ecosystem. Within this cityscape, buildings open, close, breathe and adapt according to their environment.'

When designing the exterior, this is an interesting theory to go by. Through research I have conducted into climate change and the weather of the future, I have found obvious increases in general temperature.
Another interesting issue is rising sea levels. This could be taken into account (and perhaps exaggerated) in a design for the exterior of a home- maybe it could be on stilts?

Most of the information I have looked at regarding future living, revolves around being environmentally friendsly. 'Smart homes' are becoming more popular, this involves solar panels and recycled waste water etc.

For the inside of the house,I have seen interior design with the inclusion of things like polished concrete floors and generally geometric-shaped objects and features.
As the population grows more space is required, therefore furniture may be versitile/fold into walls.
Technology is difficult to predict, but it is advancing very quickly. I have read theories that things like hidden computers, sensors, microphones and electronics will be in homes. Other predictions include central computers that accept voice commands, computer that tracks movement, turns on/off lights and adjusts temperature, electronics/appliances will be networked and connected to the internet and televisions, computers and phones will be merged into one device.

Robotics are also often mentioned in discussions regarding homes in the future. It is predicted that there may be robots doing our cleaning, washing and cooking etc.

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